Ordinary people performing


Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders. Every day, Kiwanians are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities.

2010-2011 Theme

Youth Service
Everyone is welcome to join an elite group of citizens known as the Preston Kiwani's club. This year we are focused on SERVICE, SERVICE, and more SERVICE for the youth in our community.


May 18, 2011 ~ 7:00 P.M.

Larsen Sant Library

Educational Meeting:"Eliminate" Neonatal initiative
Priority One

*Please come and attend our monthly club meeting and enjoy good company, good food, and good fun! We will be discussing the ELIMINATE program with club member Jamie Curits. Also, possible elections for the 2011-2012 Kiwanis board will be discussed.*

" Change doesn't come easily, but any butterfly will tell you it's worth it."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Meeting

Merry Christmas everyone! Our December meeting is for families. Please bring your extended families, children, grandchildren and friends for a fun evening filled with good food, games and even a special visitor. Come share the Christmas spirit with the Preston Kiwanis. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009
7:00 P.M. at the Extension Office.

Coats for Kids

It's that time of year again for our annual COATS FOR KIDS drive! Our club has collected many coats over the years to give to our local Secia office to hand out to those individuals in need. Not only do we collect the coats from our community members, we wash and mend any coat that is in good condition. Thanks to Jennifer Garbett for organizing this years event and to Rounds Insurance for providing a place for our drop off location. May many children be blessed with a warm coat this winter!

Festival of Lights Parade

A big thanks to the Garbett and Whitehead families, along with Elden and Carolyn who all helped to decorate the parade float for the Festival of Lights. A special thank you to the Whitehead family who sat on the float during the parade, helping to promote and support the Preston Kiwanis club. MERRY CHRISTMAS!