Ordinary people performing


Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders. Every day, Kiwanians are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities.

2010-2011 Theme

Youth Service
Everyone is welcome to join an elite group of citizens known as the Preston Kiwani's club. This year we are focused on SERVICE, SERVICE, and more SERVICE for the youth in our community.


May 18, 2011 ~ 7:00 P.M.

Larsen Sant Library

Educational Meeting:"Eliminate" Neonatal initiative
Priority One

*Please come and attend our monthly club meeting and enjoy good company, good food, and good fun! We will be discussing the ELIMINATE program with club member Jamie Curits. Also, possible elections for the 2011-2012 Kiwanis board will be discussed.*

" Change doesn't come easily, but any butterfly will tell you it's worth it."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Service Day and Health Fair Re-Cap

April 12th was a day of SERVICE provided by our local Kiwanis club and the Preston High School student body and staff. The day of service was a great success with everyone participating as planned. The club members who did all of the leg work for the High School in preparation for this event did a great job, along with those in attendance that day serving after service snacks of cookies and water. Thank you Molly, Amy and Jennifer along with their children Karlie, Malia, and Addison for helping serve over 650 high school students. Some of the service included the following:
Cleaning up Benson Park and Oneida Stake Academy
Helping out at Heritage Home
Removing x-mas lights from State Street
Cleaning Franklin Park
Helping out at the FCMC Nursing Home
Cleaning up local recreational hot-spots

April 16th was the FCMC annual Health Fair. Our Kiwanis club sponsored two booths. One to introduce the community to the "Eliminate" program, along with getting to know our local Kiwanis chapter and what we do in our community. The other booth was dedicated to bike safety, specifically the proper use and wear of helmets. It was well attended and everyone loved Dr. Curtis's jello mold of the human brain * Awesome*. Thank you Jake and Jamie Curtis, Cameron and Amy Whitehead, Shauna Jacobsen, Carolyn Rounds and Mika Lords for all of your help to make this event a success.

Friday, March 18, 2011

March Meeting Notes

Left to right : Don Philbrick, Connie Gilbert, Ilene Petersen, Mindy LeBaron (Judy Buxton - not pictured)

Our Teacher Appreciation Dinner was a great success. The teacher honorees from our community attended, along with their spouses, and the rest of the Kiwanis members in celebrating this wonderful event. The entire teacher feature committee did a wonderful job preparing for this years banquet. The one thing we learned from these teachers is that each student is like a flower- they must sense their own time, bloom in their own moment. So thank you teachers for helping to make this happen in the lives of our youth.

Monday, March 7, 2011

February Meeting Details

Our February meeting was well attended considering the "mighty snow storm" that occurred that evening. A light meal was provided and enjoyed by everyone. After some light dancing from our committee leaders our club broke off into our respective service groups to work on the following up coming events:
* Teacher Appreciation
* Kiwanis/Key Club Service Day
* Eliminate program

The Youth leadership conference turned out well with roughly 25 youth in attendance. Great work to all of those individuals who helped to make it a success.

(Sidebar) Next year our club is hoping to recruit a well known Insurance Agent to be the key note speaker at the conference (LOL). Go Blaine, go Blaine, go-go-go Blaine Rounds!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January Meeting Overview

January meeting information:
Our Kiwanis Club Birthday party was held at the Library with Erland Elmer presenting on District Leadership Education in Kiwanis. We received some great ideas to one day try within our own club. As a club we also found out that we are actively participating in many of the local and international objectives, such as Baby cupboard, and ELIMINATE. GO PRESTON KIWANIANS!!

Best wishes to our lifetime member Revola. We all wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you next month at our monthly meeting:)

Club membership dues DUE!

Membership dues are due! Please pay Rob Tondini promptly. - Thanks

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December (Christmas ) Meeting

December has been filled with many activities for our club. Enjoy perusing through the activities we have been involved with this past month:
  • Stringing lights along State Street for the Festival of Lights.
  • Helping out with the Baby Cupboard located inside Stokes Market.
  • Sponsoring the Kid's Day Parade for the Festival of Lights.
  • Helping to coordinate with the Key Club "Letters to Santa."
  • Sponsoring a few families from the Angel Tree
  • Creating mitten packets to give to people in our community.

We have been very busy and immersing ourselves in SERVICE this Holiday Season.

Our meeting was well attended. We had a lovely meal with some nice entertainment provided by the Swainston family. Those in attendance wrapped the Angel Tree gifts and helped to create roughly 100 mitten packets to hand out to the community. Have a great Christmas, see you next year at our January meeting.

October and November Update

October was our month for instillation. Carolyn Rounds was inducted as our new president with Bret Jacobson as our president elect and Rob Tondini who is serving as secretary. This years board members include: Jamie Curtis, Molly Johnson, Elden Tolman, Nelade White, Allen White, and Lyle Fuller. The November meeting was held at Stokes Marketplace Deli Lounge with Preston's Special Olympic team presenting a short presentation about their team and the great success they are having. Our club was enlightened with a short film about the athletes and their accomplishments. A few of the athletes came and shared a little of their experiences as well. Thank you athletes for sharing with us! Additionally, each club member was assigned a group to work with within the club and these groups met briefly to discuss upcoming activities.
(Didn't we all look great wearing our new shirts? :) )