Ordinary people performing


Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders. Every day, Kiwanians are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities.

2010-2011 Theme

Youth Service
Everyone is welcome to join an elite group of citizens known as the Preston Kiwani's club. This year we are focused on SERVICE, SERVICE, and more SERVICE for the youth in our community.


May 18, 2011 ~ 7:00 P.M.

Larsen Sant Library

Educational Meeting:"Eliminate" Neonatal initiative
Priority One

*Please come and attend our monthly club meeting and enjoy good company, good food, and good fun! We will be discussing the ELIMINATE program with club member Jamie Curits. Also, possible elections for the 2011-2012 Kiwanis board will be discussed.*

" Change doesn't come easily, but any butterfly will tell you it's worth it."

Friday, March 18, 2011

March Meeting Notes

Left to right : Don Philbrick, Connie Gilbert, Ilene Petersen, Mindy LeBaron (Judy Buxton - not pictured)

Our Teacher Appreciation Dinner was a great success. The teacher honorees from our community attended, along with their spouses, and the rest of the Kiwanis members in celebrating this wonderful event. The entire teacher feature committee did a wonderful job preparing for this years banquet. The one thing we learned from these teachers is that each student is like a flower- they must sense their own time, bloom in their own moment. So thank you teachers for helping to make this happen in the lives of our youth.

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